Sell your digital products online through

and let securely
manage your instant downloads
or product registration keys,
for only per order.
Open a PayPal account
F E A T U R E S |
- Automate your digital-product business for hassle-free sales!
- Sell your digital products through your own PayPal account and safely distribute them from your own website without revealing download URLs.
- Flat rate US$0.25 per order; NO setup or monthly fees.
- SoftSeller automatically sends emails to your customers with a download link or registration key, or both.
- Customers can also be sent to a page to download immediately after payment.
- It's easy: Define your products in SoftSeller, put some ordering buttons on your website and you're in business!
- SoftSeller works with PayPal's "buy now" buttons for single items or "add to cart" for multiple items.
- SoftSeller also works with eBay auction or "buy now" items paid through PayPal.
- You can provide a customized download page that looks like part of your site.
- No need to upload your products to a third-party website.
Our unique system allows you to keep your downloadable products on your own site,
on password-protected directories if you like, so you're always in full control of your products.
- Downloads can be through our server or yours, but source URLs are never visible or available to customers.
- Free affiliate program included, lets your affiliates self-register.
You and your affiliates can track sales and commissions.
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Try it for FREE for your first 5 orders!