Account Administration Help

Account Administration

The Account Administration page allows you to set up and change your account information, and it provides links to the pages to add and edit your product items, and to view your sales reports.

Following are the input fields for this page:

E-mail: This is the address you will use to log in to your account, and it also must be the same e-mail address that you will use as your PayPal "business" e-mail address in your order buttons. PayPal uses this address to identify the account that will be paid, and SoftSeller will use this address (passed in the IPN) to identify your account and your products. You can have multiple addresses assigned to the same account in PayPal, but each SoftSeller account is for a single e-mail address. If you need to change your e-mail address, first add your new address to your PayPal account, then change the "business" address in all of your PayPal order buttons, then change the address here in your SoftSeller account.
Business Name: This is a short title for your business. It will be used in Subject line of the order messages, and may also be used to identify your businesss on the download page if you do not specify a custom page.
Custom Page URL: This is the URL of a custom download page that you create for your customers to see when they download. Store this page on your own site and provide the full URL here. This should be a complete HTML page, using any HTML you like, and SoftSeller will insert the download forms -- first a login form and then a form to download the products in the order. To identify the location where you want the download forms to be placed on your custom page, please add this special HTML comment marker somewhere on the page:

Please insure that the comment marker is exactly as shown above: all uppercase letters with a single space before, after, and between the two words. If the comment marker is not found, the download forms will be added at the bottom of your page.

You can use HTML styles to control the appearance of the SoftSeller forms, to match the font and color scheme of your custom page. You can copy the style definitions below, paste them into the <HEAD> section of your page, and modify them to match your page. The first style sets the font face, size, and color for the text, and the other three set special attributes for tables, table headers, and table data respectively.

  <style type="text/css">
  .SSForm {font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:16px;
  table.SSform {border-width:1; border-color:#336699; border-style:solid;
  th.SSForm {background-color:#336699; color:#ffffff}
  td.SSForm (background-color:#ffffff; color:#336699}
Custom E-mail Order Message: The text that you define here will appear at the top of the order message e-mails sent to your customers. You can use it to provide a customized "thank you", and you will probably want to provide additional product support info, home page link, contact links, etc.
Change Password Only You can use this special form to change your account password. Enter the old password, then the new password twice.

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